*All materials used are BPA free
Hard/hard Acrylic Nightguard
This is a dual layered appliance with the internal aspect being a rigid vacuum form
plastic making for an intimate internal fit, layered with acrylic to form a strong yet comfortable appliance...................................................$135
Hard/soft Acrylic Nightguard
This is a dual layered appliance with the internal aspect being made with a soft vacuum form plastic layered with acrylic allowing for a soft internal fit with excellent occlusal strength. This is an ideal appliance for those with tooth mobility, as it is less rigid and allows for micro-movement of the teeth.........................$135
VariFlex Nightguard
VariFlex is a thermal softening acrylic that is resilient and self-adjusting. Simply soften under warm tap water prior to insertion to provide excellent "snap-fit" retention. Once cooled it is as hard as any other acrylic. This appliance is ideal for those that are at high risk restoratively as it allows for moderate changes in the dentition...................................................................................$140
Hard Acrylic Nightguard
Taking it back to the old school with a full HARD acrylic nightguard. Fabricated using a "salt n' pepper" technique providing a strong monolithic appliance.......................................................$130
Nightguard Refurbishing
Sometimes a new nightguard isn't always necessary. Whether it's new restorations, non-compliance or damage (ie. cracks, holes, minor breaks) Refurbishing is a great way to get more time out of an appliance....................................$Varies
Anterior Deprogrammer
Anterior deprogrammers are made with acrylic and fit with retention alone or if needed, with posterior wires with anterior biting platform. A George gauge bite registration is required for best fit........................................................................................ $130
Standard Retainers
Retention after orthodontic treatment is vital to maintaining a patient’s new smile. Clear retainers made from Dentsply Essix ACE Plastic are an esthetically pleasing option for patients who want to avoid wearing a retainer with a visible wire........................$48 each arch +shipping (if applicable)
Premium Retainers
Most durable retainer material available!
Zendura's superior stress retention, strength, & durability are achieved by its rigid engineering polyurethane system. The benchmark for teeth retention and for crack &stain resistance.
......................................$54 each arch +shipping (if applicable)
Whitening Trays
Made with 1mm thick soft vacuum form material, these can be made with or with out wells.........................$42 each arch +shipping (if applicable)
Snore Guards (w/fixed protrusion)
For those that annoy their partners while they sleep sound we have a fixed protrusion snore guard. Made with 1.5 -2mm thick vacuum form material combined with acrylic. George gauge bite registration required for best fit .................$230
EMA (snore guard/sleep appliance)
Elastic Mandibular Advancement is a customized removable appliance created for the noninvasive treatment of snoring and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). The appliance is designed to both advance the mandible and open the bite to allow for less restricted airflow during sleep................................................................................................$370
Additional Appliances
If there is any special request, or any type of appliance you would like me to make that isn't on the list please feel free to contact me. As I am continuously growing...